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Tembesi Dam Connecting

AVK Fusion Indonesia together with Distributor for Batam, Tirta Putra Malindo Sejati, participated in water supply project in Batam.

PT Tirta Putra Malindo Sejati (TPMS), as the distributor of AVK Fusion Indonesia for the Batam area (Riau Islands) contributed to supply the needs of the Batam Concession Agency (BP) in making a Clean Water Pump Connection in Tembesi Reservoir to the Muka Kuning area, Batam.

PT Tirta Putra Malindo Sejati (TPMS), as the distributor of AVK Fusion Indonesia for Batam area (Riau Islands). PT Tirta Putra Malindo Sejati or commonly known as TPMS was founded in 2004 as a company that specializes in providing pipe solutions for industrial clients, developers, and water companies. TPMS joined as a distributor AVK Fusion Indonesia since 2018.

Batam Concession Agency (BP) is a central government institution established under a Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia with the task and authority to carry out management, development and development of areas in accordance with the functions of the Area.

The Clean Water Pump Connection Project in Tembesi Reservoir to the Muka Kuning area worth 53 billion rupiah started from May 2020 to September 2020 and was inaugurated in October 2020. The purpose of making the construction of the raw water pipe from Tembesi Reservoir to Muka Kuning is to meet the needs of clean water for the people of Batam City. In this project, TPMS was chosen to be a vendor to supply the following Valves
• 5 units Check Valve 300mm 
• 5 units Butterfly Valve 300mm
• 2 units Butterfly Valve 700mm 
• 3 units Gate Valve 200mm
• 5 units Gate Valve 700mm 
• 3 units Air Valve 200mm

The connection between the two reservoirs flows with a distance of nearly 3.6 kilometers (Km). It has a flow rate of 600 liters per second, however, it can reach 720 liters per second.

Not only that, Purwiyanto, Head of BP Batam, said that BP Batam is also building a water treatment plant (IPA) in Muka Kuning with a capacity of 350 liters per second, 2020-2024, clean water will be their priority and will synergize with the Ministry of PUPR in carry out reservoir normalization.

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Tembesi - Muka Kuning reservoir connection

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Dams, Reservoirs & Hydropower Valve Solution

AVK's capabilities include comprehensive range of engineering and site solution packages.