AVK Fusion Nusantara Tour at PDAM Way Rilau Lampung
On this occasion, AVK Fusion Nusantara tour team together with Distributor for Sumatra island, Anugerah Tirta Indonesia had the opportunity to visit PDAM Way Rilau, Lampung, on Thursday, March 5, 2020. This is the second province after the Nusantara Tour Team visited Banten province. Lampung is the southernmost province on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, with the capital city of Bandar Lampung.
The system of providing clean water facilities and infrastructure in Bandar Lampung City has been managed since the Dutch Government, in 1917. PDAM Way Rilau Lampung is a high potential PDAM because it has a target of installing 60 thousand water connections until the end of 2024.
The event opened with greeting from the Technical Director of PDAM Way Rilau Lampung, Bpk. Suparji Then the event which was attended by 13 participants from Way Rilau PDAM was continued with presentations company profile AVK, presentations about AVK Products, and presentations about Fusion products. After the presentation and discussion were over, participants were invited to explore AVK and Fusion products on the Show Bus.
"This event is very interesting, because if we don't know each other, We'll have no love each other, then. With this event we can get to know more about AVK Fusion products. Then for halal certification that is owned will be able to convince PDAMs and the community over the selection of AVK products", closed Mr. AZP Peni Gustimigo, as Managing Director of Way Rilau PDAM, Lampung.