Nusantara Tour 2022 (Ep.5 Madura Island)
Still in East Java ! crossing the Sura-Madu Bridge to Madura Island 27-10-2022
Move to the nearest island from Java Island, but still in the Province of East Java, namely Madura Island. A pleasant journey along the Long Bridge spans the Sura-Madu Bridge which connects the city of Surabaya on the island of Java and Madura Island.
The event was held on July 19, 2022 and was made into 1 day for 2 regencies, namely PDAM Bangkalan and PDAM Sampang, PT. Verotek Inti Prima as the official distributor supports the implementation outside the PDAM, in a Restaurant in Bangkalan which is not far from the city center. The event started from Veroktek, followed by remarks from PDAM Representatives, then AVK Team began with presentations then question and answer sessions. After that we lunch together and gave Goodie bag, brochures and merchandise to the all participants, and of course the last Show Bus Tour. Even though the air there was very hot, the event was still running smoothly.
Previously, PDAM Bangkalan had used AVK valves, and because it had been a long time ago, it was hoped that Nusantara Tour would become a bridge to maintain good relations with partners.