Joint Group Management Meeting
AVK held Joint Group Management Meeting at AVK Academy & Visitor Centre in Skovby 24-08-2021
By : Anne Sørensen
AVK has held a Group Management Meeting from 11 to 13 August. This event attended by three divisions (Water, Industry and Advanced) along with representatives from the AVK Holding board and AVK Holding had the pleasure to meet at the AVK Academy & Visitor Centre in Skovby to discuss future challenges and opportunities of the AVK Group.During the meeting, we also got an update on the post Covid-19 global market and financial outlook and the opportunities and risks for the coming years by chief economist from Nordea.
Everyone agreed that it was great to meet again face-to-face to discuss business strategy for the AVK Group, and we also got the chance to get fresh pictures of the management groups and participants in the meeting.